We accompany you on the path of your business transformation

We design, implement and support holistic business transformation and application lifecycle management solutions for your company

Our methodology

At its core, alm360 from blue.works is a comprehensive methodology and collection of best practices developed specifically for the optimisation of application lifecycle management solutions for SAP companies. Using the alm360 methodology, we at blue.works see ourselves as a Business Transformation Factory. Using standardised procedures and competent methodology coaching, we provide our customers with added value tailored to their needs. Our Business Transformation Factory comprises the four main areas of Implementations, Operations, Test & Quality and Engineering. If you would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with us directly.

alm360 Implementations offers you a successful start to your project: we not only provide suitable tools, an efficient methodology and implementation processes for your S/4HANA project, but also lay the foundations for efficient operation.

alm360 Operations provides a robust platform for the operational management of your SAP landscape. With functions such as monitoring, maintenance, troubleshooting, performance optimisation and security management, it enables efficient and reliable management of your SAP environment.

alm360 Test offers you a comprehensive service: from analysing your requirements and designing the test phases to configuring and training the tools used. We provide you with a modular framework that supports all test phases and SAP tools and enables effective test management.

alm360 Engineering covers integration scenarios for both implementations and operations with alm360 Hub, our award-winning integration engine. Connect SAP Cloud ALM quickly and easily with over 4000 applications and synchronise your internal end-to-end processes with your individual technology stack.

Winner of the 2022
ALM Summit ALMathon.
Runner-up of the 2024
ALM Summit ALMathon.

Companies that trust us

Projects we support

Sika masters SolMan 7.2 with blue.works

More transparency and efficiency at the city administration of Bern with SAP Cloud ALM

Focused Build implementation at Fenaco

SAP ALM Insights für Geberits IT-Management