Test automation for SAP customers: Why it should be essential

Software development and testing are two sides of the same coin, with testing playing a crucial role in ensuring the quality and functionality of the software. Modern companies, especially those that use SAP applications, should therefore understand the benefits of test automation and integrate it as an indispensable part of their development process.

In this article, we make a brief comparison between V-model-based testing and agile testing and show why test automation is indispensable in both methods. We will be going into more detail in further articles in the coming months.

Test automation and the V-model

In the V-model, each phase of development has a corresponding test phase. Test automation offers considerable advantages in each of these phases:

  • Unit test: Automated tests are ideal for detecting and eliminating errors in individual code blocks at an early stage.
  • Integration test: Automation facilitates the fast and reliable identification of incompatibilities between different code units.
  • System test: Here, test automation helps to efficiently check the performance, safety and reliability of the overall system.
  • Acceptance test: By simulating user interactions with the software, automated tests can ensure that the system works as expected.

In addition, automating the regression tests when changes are made to the code can ensure that functions that have already been tested still work correctly.

Test automation and agile testing

Agile testing differs from the V-model in its dynamic and continuous nature. Test automation offers considerable advantages here:

  • Sprint-based testing: Automated regression tests at the end of each sprint ensure that new functions do not affect existing ones.
  • Continuous integration testing: Automated tests can be carried out for every code change in order to identify problems at an early stage.
  • Acceptance tests: By simulating user interactions with the software, automated tests can efficiently check the user experience.

AdditionäAdditional advantages of test automation

In addition to improving the efficiency and quality of testing, test automation offers many other advantages:

  • Consistency: Automated tests perform the same steps with high accuracy and consistency, leading to more reliable test results.
  • Reusability: Once tests have been created, they can be reused for future test cycles, which saves resources.
  • Extended test coverage: Automated tests can cover more areas of code and different functions than would be possible manually.
  • Earlyerror detection: The continuous execution of tests during the development process allows errors to be detected and rectified at an early stage.
  • Cost savings: Despite initial investments in test automation, significant long-term cost savings can be achieved through improved efficiency and error avoidance.

All in all, test automation is therefore an indispensable tool. Through integration with SAP Cloud Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), companies can now take full advantage of automation to improve the quality of their software, make their processes more efficient and ultimately increase their competitiveness.

Are you ready to transform your testing processes?

Whether you are just starting to consider test automation or you already have an automation process that needs improvement, blue.works is here to help.

Our team of experienced consultants and test automation experts will help you find the right test automation solution and integrate it into your existing processes. We offer support not only with implementation, but also with the ongoing optimization and maintenance of your test automation strategy, as well as with the actual automation of the test cases.

It’s time to transform your testing processes. Are you ready?

Contact us today at www.blue.works.

Stefan Thomann, Tallinn

Stefan Thomann

Stefan works as a Senior ALM Consultant and has in-depth knowledge of various ALM topics. He has extensive experience in areas such as Focused Build, Process Management, Testing, Focused Insights and ChaRM.

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