Bridging the Gap: How SAP Solution Manager and Tricentis Test Automation are connected

In the ever-evolving Eco-System of SAP, the connection between SAP Solution Manager and Tricentis Test Automation stands as a powerful approach in optimizing test automation and ensuring accuracy throughout the SAP landscape. SAP Solution Manager and Tricentis Test Automation used together can give the best form of testing experience that improves efficiency, minimizes risks and user errors by giving seamless integration process within SAP environments.

Understanding SAP Solution Manager

SAP Solution Manager, often referred to as SolMan, serves as an extensive application lifecycle management (ALM) tool provided by SAP. Its purpose is to assist customers in managing their SAP landscapes throughout the entire lifecycle, spanning from implementation to operations. Acting as a central platform, SolMan facilitates various SAP activities such as project management, documentation, change management, and application monitoring.

Tricentis Test Automation (TTA) is closely integrated with Solution Manager, offering numerous pre-scanned modules utilized in test steps. However, there’s a caveat: these pre-scanned modules are optimized for English environments. When switching to German, configurations become necessary for TTA to accurately comprehend the proceedings. Additionally, while not specific to Tosca, browsers tend to cache heavily, particularly during consecutive link navigation. Based on our experience, mitigating measures involving browser settings adjustment and the inclusion of non-test case-specific test steps may be required to prevent entire test case failures during execution.

Tricentis Test Automation for SAP Solution Manager (TTA for SAP Solution Manager)

Tricentis Test Automation (TTA) for SAP Solution Manager is a powerful tool designed to expedite SAP business processes by generating and executing automated test cases efficiently. Its model-based approach is a key strength, enabling testers to create reusable test steps and automate repetitive tasks effectively, thereby minimizing the potential for user errors, especially when dealing with numerous test cases.

While TTA significantly accelerates business processes, this efficiency does come at a cost in terms of time investment. Although manually executing larger test cases from the Test Step Designer could take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, automating them can require 2 to 3 days to finalize. Despite this initial time commitment, automating the process can reduce execution time to under a minute. Therefore, maintaining patience during the automation process is crucial, as the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial investment of time and effort.

The Connection

The link between SAP Solution Manager and Tricentis Test Automation can be described in several ways, each contributing to the overall success of testing in organization’s SAP projects:

  1. Test Case Management: Tricentis Test Automation can seamlessly integrate with SAP Solution Manager’s Test Management module by allowing teams or testers to centrally manage test cases, test scripts, and test data. The integration ensures consistency, traceability and visibility in all testing activities.
  2. Business Process Automation: SAP Solution Manager provides insights into a company’s business processes. With TTA for SAP Solution Manager, this information can be used to design and execute automated test scenarios that that are based on a companies real business processes.
  3. Test Data Management: The integration of Tricentis Test Automation and SAP Solution Manager ensures efficient and consistent test data provisioning, reducing the risk of testing with incorrect or outdated data. 
  4. Continuous Improvement: SAP Solution Manager supports the application lifecycle from implementation to operation and ongoing improvement. Tricentis Test Automation capabilities go beyond testingphases in projects, enabling continuous testing and reporting for operation and ongoing improvement.
  5. Automated Regression Testing: Using the capabilities of TTA for SAP Solution Manager to perform regular regression tests, ensuring the stability of SAP systems after each and every change.
  6. Streamlined Defect Management: TTA for SAP Solution Manager can seamlessly track and manage defects, discovered during testing, within Solution Manager.


SAP Solution Manager and Tricentis Test Automation are integral components within the SAP ecosystem, working synergistically to provide businesses with a comprehensive solution for managing SAP business processes. This collaboration ensures error-free processes, drives continuous improvement, and facilitates the advancement of SAP projects. Leveraging the combined power of these tools enables organizations to mitigate risks, elevate the quality of business applications, and maintain competitiveness in the dynamic SAP landscape.

Despite the demanding nature of learning and creating test cases, operating Tricentis Test Automation can sometimes feel like an arduous journey, akin to running multiple marathons mentally. However, the sense of accomplishment upon completing a test case, executing a full run successfully, and feeling the rush of adrenaline afterward makes it all worthwhile. This experience underscores the importance of perseverance and the rewarding outcomes that come with mastering these tools for operational excellence.

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Marko Laius

Marko works as an ALM Technology Expert and has extensive knowledge in the use of SAP Solution Manager with a focus on technical monitoring. He has experience in the area of SAP Basis and has also familiarized himself with test automation.

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