
blueworks in the ALM Partner Hub: “The proven team for ALM implementations”

In the ALM Partner Hub, SAP lists its partner companies that specialize in Application Lifecycle Management with a focus on SAP Solution Manager (SolMan), Focused Build/Focused Insights and SAP Cloud ALM (CALM). SAP only recognizes these partners for their ALM expertise if they have a proven track record of customer success. The ALM implementation partners with their experts and consultants support SAP customers with proven methods and services relating to the implementation of the SAP ALM product family.


The ALM Partner Hub thus provides a platform to showcase the capabilities and innovations of ALM: blueworks focuses in particular on building integrated end-to-end ALM capabilities with SolMan or CALM (Business Transformation Suite), providing focused build and coaching capabilities to support digital transformation projects (such as SAP S/4HANA implementations or conversions) and enabling operational competence with solutions such as Focused Insights and building Operation Control Centers within enterprise IT landscapes.


With the ALM Partner Hub, SAP therefore offers SAP application companies a forum to identify potential supply partners for such projects/tasks. The list is based on published success stories: We as blueworks are happy to be present there with several success stories and to have been awarded our ALM competence by SAP.

You can access the ALM Partner Hub here.

Stefan Thomann

Stefan Thomann ist ein leidenschaftlicher ALM-Enthusiast und Coach für agile Methoden und SAP ALM (Focused Build/SAP Cloud ALM). Zu seinen Spezialgebieten gehört der Requirements-to-Deploy-Prozess (Requirements Engineering, Prozessmanagement, Testmanagement, Deployment-Orchestrierung). Stefan ist auch Gründer der blueworks AG und hat Wirtschaftsinformatik studiert. Außerdem hat er einen Master in IT Leadership und TechManagement. Seine besondere Leidenschaft gilt den Themen Cloud ALM, Strategieberatung und Leadership. Sein Motto lautet: "Lasst uns gemeinsam jede SAP-Herausforderung meistern - achtsam, nachhaltig, gelassen und mit dem richtigen Application Lifecycle Management an der Hand zum Erfolg!".

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