SNOW Adapter Demo

After the three-day SNOW workshop in April, the preparation and completion of a demo system was started in May. On the SNOW side our partner b-rightsource provided their demo system and resources. On the SAP side we configure this to our Solution Manager demo system.

The colleagues from CONCORN were available to answer our questions during this time. As a partner, the contact with the software manufacturer was direct, so that questions were clarified quickly and discussions were conducted constructively. Further information about the system connectivity is described in the blog “How SNOW and ChaRM connect“.

These were very interesting days, which in the end resulted in a successful data exchange. With the coupling it is now possible to manage and process changes across systems. The control of the status change is shared by both systems and can be configured customer specific. It was also exciting to see how seamless the AddOn was integrated into the SAP standard technology.

In summary: The adapter is easy to set up and at the same time offers some configuration options on the SAP side for process adaptation. As with all third-party system connections, a partner on the other side is required for the setup. Helpful knowledge for setup, maintenance and adjustments are basic knowledge of SAP technologies such as oData, CRM and PPF.

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Michael Henninger

Michael Henninger is SAP Technology Architect and ALM Consultant at and our expert for before and after: Michael is the link between process and technology, ALM expert in the area of change control management and IT service management. Michael is also a partner at and a computer scientist.

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