Untangling Workplace stress through ALM Solutions (Part 4)

Step 4: Automate

Automation, like any technological advancement, requires a significant investment of time and effort. At blue.works, I am part of the Test Automation team. One thing we’ve learned about it is the necessity of initial investment to reap future benefits. While everyone is eager to enjoy the fruits of automation, it’s crucial to first organize all data, processes… etc before jumping into it. Foundational work sets the stage for effective and efficient outcomes.

We often operate on autopilot, which usually serves us well. However, we all have ingrained beliefs that trigger unhelpful reactions. These automatic responses need to be revised, updated, and replaced with more accurate ones. Similarly, at blue.works, we recognize that processes evolve, requiring us to continually update our automation to align with new or improved processes. Just as our minds need recalibrating to avoid misinterpreting threats and reacting inappropriately, our automation systems must adapt to remain effective and accurate.

Similarly, integrating these self-help steps into our daily routines, or establishing a set of automated responses to stress, can significantly increase our ability to manage stress quickly and effectively over time. By transforming these actions into an automatic cycle for addressing stress, we can respond more adeptly to stressors as they arise. Often, our responses to situations are reflexive, operating on what might be considered an automatic gear.

However, by consciously examining and addressing the thoughts that contribute to our stress, we can make a new pathway—a “Highway” of sorts—geared towards fostering a state of calm and leading us to more peaceful destinations. This proactive approach not only improves our immediate stress response mechanisms but also contributes to a healthier, more resilient mindset in the long term.


This blog’s exploration of workplace stress, through the lens of ALM solutions and in collaboration with Psychologist Lena Rusti, has paved the way for a practical approach to stress management. These strategies not only address immediate stress responses but also contribute to a more resilient and supportive organizational culture. Emphasizing actionable steps and the importance of self-regulation, this approach empowers individuals to maintain productivity and well-being amidst the pressures of the modern workplace.

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