Project management with gantt chart

Update on Project Management, SRD and the all new Documentation Reporting Dashboard

In project management, the relationship between master and build projects has been improved. This means, that certain data can now be managed in the master project, which will then sync down to the corresponding build project.

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For this feature to work, you will need to setup a new master/build project. Through the enhanced Easy Project Setup you can quickly setup a synced relationship by activating the new checkbox.

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Synced master/build projects are indicated in the project list with a new symbol in the ‘Synced’ column. 

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Once a project is setup to sync, you need to maintain dates, sort numbers, project status, phases, and tasks in the master project. These changes will then be automatically synced to the associated build projects.

Additional improvements include support for further task types in the UI5 app, multi-language project setup and the possibility to use the optional Fiori app ‘Confirm Project Tasks’

Solution Readiness Dashboard

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In this release, the Solution Readiness Dashboard has also been reworked. One of the most notable new features is the possibility to directly extract data from the projects in real time, rather than having to wait on the previous scheduled background job. The user can now refresh the data immediately, or select refresh intervals of 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

Furthermore, the Requirements tile now allows the user to directly drill down into the complete list of requirements and jump off into the corresponding requirement by clicking on the title.

Other enhancements include improved export to Excel functionalities, adjustment of the KPI tiles to correspond to the correct naming convention, enhanced drill downs to more detailed data for Work Items and Q-Gates as well as a rethought current wave progress burndown chart.

Documentation Reporting Dashboard

A new addition to the reporting capabilities of Focused Build is the Documentation Reporting Dashboard.

The dashboard allows you to run a Business Process Readiness report that shows the current state of implementation for the business process perspective. The report runs based on the branches of your solution documentation and delivers insights into the selected scope and phase. This includes reporting on your KPIs and individual document status.

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Previous article: Sometimes it’s the little things that make a big difference

Next article: News from the area of Testing with SAP SolMan Focused Build SP07

Kenneth Staub

Kenneth Staub is SAP ALM Consultant and Managing Partner at He focuses on Focused Build integrations and tool coaching, Process Management as well as Business Process Monitoring and Improvement. Kenneth leads the Estonian subsidiary and is responsible for the NORDIC market. He holds a Swiss Federal Diploma of Higher Education in ICT Systems- and Network Engineering.

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